High Holidays 5785 Registration

Since Kesher Pittsburgh is not a membership-based organization, your High Holiday contribution is a major way in which we sustain our community throughout the year. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds and we encourage everyone to register at a price point that reflects their resources.
High Holiday 5785 Registration

10/3 Rosh Hashanah Celebration with musical Shacharit, Torah service, and Shofar blowing followed by community Kiddush

Kayaking and Tashlich bagel brunch for KesherKIDS families and people of all ages

Kol Nidre candlelit gathering with a blend of traditional liturgy and heartfelt modern song 

Yom Kippur day will offer a variety of modalities through which we can reflect, connect, and make teshuvah (return) including sessions for all ages rooted in prayer chanting, embodied practice, nature-based experiences, art-making, and more. Find more information about presenters and sessions on our website.


Please RSVP for each event you plan on attending with the number of people in your party.

Events with Zoom access will be marked with an asterisk (*)

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Please select all that apply.

Important Payment Information: 

Since Kesher Pittsburgh does not have membership fees, your financial support is critical to sustaining our community throughout the year. Your contribution not only enables the creation of our High Holiday gatherings, it ensures that we can continue to offer programming throughout the year.

This year, we are suggesting three different levels of minimum contribution for High Holiday attendance. This will help us to become more financially sustainable and also makes certain that no one is EVER turned away due to lack of funds.

Suggested High Holiday Contributions:

$360 per adult/$108 per child (with no upper limit!) — for folks with discretionary income, savings accounts, or inherited wealth

$108 per adult/$54 per child — for people on fixed incomes, without savings, or for whom $360 is prohibitive to attendance

$18 - $36 per person — community members with little to no monthly income or who would not otherwise be able to join us

If you have any questions about registration, ability to support KPGH with a monthly contribution, or cost-free registration, please don't hesitate to reach out to Brenna at brenna@kesherpittsburgh.org

Please select all that apply.

We are excited to announce that Kesher Pittsburgh High Holiday prayer books will be available once again this season! If you have not yet reserved your KPGH Prayer Book, make sure to do so to secure one today!

We will have a limited number for folks to borrow during services and encourage you to order yours ahead of time. Donations from this project support our ongoing operations through 5785 and we hope that you will help us reach our goal. We are excited to share these books with you in October as a token of our gratitude!



Since Kesher Pittsburgh is not a membership-based organization, your High Holiday contribution is a major way in which we sustain our community throughout the year. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds and we encourage everyone to register at a price point that reflects their resources.