May 2024 Kabbalat Shabbat Registration

05/10/2024 6:30pm | We are so grateful for your collective belief in the work we are doing. Together, we are ensuring a vibrant future for our community that contributes to a more liberated and inclusive Judaism in Pittsburgh and beyond.

Join us for a monthly musical Kabbalat Shabbat. We will meet in the park to welcome Shabbat with sweet treats and togetherness. We hope that you'll gather with us, as we come together in prayer and song.

Please select one option.
Please use this form to submit the names of anyone bereaved in the last year and/or if you are observing a yahrzeit this season. 


05/10/2024 6:30pm
We are so grateful for your collective belief in the work we are doing. Together, we are ensuring a vibrant future for our community that contributes to a more liberated and inclusive Judaism in Pittsburgh and beyond.