Please consider making a contribution to ensure that our community is a warm place for people to practice Judaism in musical, connective, and liberating ways for years to come. Only with your ongoing support can we organize monthly musical Kabbalat Shabbat services, educate an ever-growing group of KesherKIDS, host spiritual and open-hearted High Holiday programming, and so much more. 

$36 provides one month of storage for musical equipment, $72 supports our monthly newsletter, $180 offsets the costs of hosting High Holidays for one person, $540 sponsors one Kabbalat Shabbat gathering, and $1,080 ensures we have a full time Program Manager (Brenna) supporting our continuity and growth. 


Please click through to join our circle of Hearth Tenders; together we can ensure that the fire keeps burning.


Please consider making a contribution to ensure that our community is a warm place for people to practice Judaism in musical, connective, and liberating ways for years to come. Only with your ongoing support can we organize monthly musical Kabbalat Shabbat services, educate an ever-growing group of KesherKIDS, host spiritual and open-hearted High Holiday programming, and so much more. 

$36 provides one month of storage for musical equipment, $72 supports our monthly newsletter, $180 offsets the costs of hosting High Holidays for one person, $540 sponsors one Kabbalat Shabbat gathering, and $1,080 ensures we have a full time Program Manager (Brenna) supporting our continuity and growth. 


Please click through to join our circle of Hearth Tenders; together we can ensure that the fire keeps burning.


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Kesher Pittsburgh
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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